NKST Humanitarian Foundation.


Mr. Loedolf MP was made the first Principal of the college. However, the sum (CRC) felt that it must retain its position of non-participation and urge the Tiv Christian themselves, to raise these challenges. Unfortunately, the South African index Board (SAHB) regretted this because it does not want an established work and department to vanish for it fells that in doing so, it might create unpleasant opposition by the Tiv people but it was pointed out by SUM (CRC) that form the beginning of the proposed transfer of the Western Tiv, as it has clearly indicated it's unwillingness to take the Orphanage even when it was a very small institution However, towards the end of 1960, the sum(CRC) agreed to take over the Orphanage while holding to the idea that the Church assumes the responsibility in 1965. Particularly, the transfer of the Orphanage index to the Church took place in January 1969.


Jonathan Wamada for instance got married to one of these girls, named Ra`utha (Ruth) while Filibus married another one called Astira (Esther). Both were fine and God fearing ladies. Astira had seven children, the last being born after Filibus died. Contrary to the existing local tradition, she refused to get married to another man, after her husband's death; but instead, insisted on raising her children by herself. They were now, leading Christians in church communities and government. Ra`utha and Jonathan on the other hand had no children. So, they adopted eleven children and raised them until they become of age to marry. One of the sons was a teacher, who also served as a secretary to the then Ekas Benue Church for many years. Through them, God turned the sorrows of many early children into a long life, full of blessings and testimonies. God used the Missionaries, not just to help the Orphans; but also to introduce Christianity and strengthen their faith in Tivland and even beyond. Between 1951 and 1952, it was like a break, because nobody took over the good work of raising these orphans.